Pixel Scanner

Point Cloud Computation

is the extraction of a dense point cloud model of the object. This stage makes use of the calibration information and requires heavy computational resources.
A point cloud model is a set of vertices in 3D space representing an object. It is the most basic form for model representation and they are most often created by 3D laser scanners. These scanners operate by bouncing a laser beam on the surface of an object and output a point cloud as a data file.
Our PixelScanner software emulates this process by only making use of the captured images and generates a very dense oriented point cloud model without using any active device. This means that users can generate a point cloud model of any textured object* by taking pictures of it with their cameras even from very far away distances like from a helicopter or from unmanned drones**. Using image data alone makes it possible to generate models of objects in a wide variety of settings for which the use of a laser scanner is not feasible or very expensive.
Our software not only generates colored dense point clouds but also extracts statistics like sampling density, curvature and surface normal information at each vertex location. This allows to use the generated models directly in graphics animations or industrial metrology applications or to use them directly to make digital elevation models.
Moreover, it is even possible to generate models with user-specified sampling density or with a preset number of points, or to downsample or upsample a given point cloud without losing the surface structure. Therefore, it is suitable to generate low resolution but high quality models for memory sensitive tasks.

Some of Computation Renders

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