Smart Museum Guide

provides museum visitors easy access to rich content about the artifacts they are interested by object recognition technology
Smart Museum Guide by Aurvis provides museum visitors easy access to rich content about the artifacts they are interested. With its advanced 3D Object Recognition system, it is just enough for a visitor to direct his/her smartphone’s camera to the artifact. The system automatically recognizes the object instantly regardless of angle of view and brings rich content to user. Unlike traditional audio guides, smart museum guide provides not only audio but also rich text, high resolution images and videos of an artifact. These two distinctive features of the application provide visitors enriched and unprecedented museum experience.
In addition to visitors, the system also provides valuable information to museum authorities about visits. With help of statistics and survey tools of the application, the authorities get both quantitative and subjective feedback from visitors. Some of the statistics they get are most interested artifact, order of visit, average visit time, most viewed content (text, images, videos etc.). Survey tool facilitates the visitor to fill the form and lets authorities to get direct responses to questions they wonder.

Smart Museum Guide by Aurvis is a comprehensive solution for museums that aim to give maximum value to their visitors.

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